Sunday, January 8, 2012


Since it's my only resolution for 2012 I intend to keep up with the egg count! Jan. 1-7:  22 eggs were laid, 13 brown, 9 green. Keep up the good work!

Today was the first day we got 3 green eggs since back in late August/early September. I was so excited you'd have thought I won the lottery! It's gotten rainy and cooler as the day has gone on but the girls are not bothered by a little rain and they enjoyed the left over biscuits for snack.

The boy is heading back to college on Friday, so our time with him is growing short. My 91 year old grandmother spend a few days in hospital for an infection and I brought her home to stay with us for a few days. She's going home tomorrow but today we made blueberry muffins for the boy to take back to school.

I just need a few uneventful days to catch my breath  and I really enjoyed my poultry therapy this morning, reading and chilling with the girls.

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