Saturday, August 21, 2010

From abandoned playset to poultry palace....

the carcass of a play set, once much loved....

Will built the play set 16 years ago when Ian was not quite two. It had an 8x8 deck with a slide attached, room for 4 swings and a ladder to get onto the deck. We have video of its inaugural use, including my grandmother and Will's parents going down the slide. We spent hours pushing a swing, sitting on the deck while Ian planned his underground lab that he insisted we should build, watching Ian and his friends grow up.....until one day all at once he outgrew it and I was pretty much the only one who used the swings anymore (I still love a good swing). The swings migrated next door and it became just an eyesore that Will and I were not willing to tear down yet.

When we started talking about getting chickens our first hurdle was planning where they would live. I will admit to illusions of grandeur- I was remembering chicken houses that were actual buildings, with a door, windows, floors and nesting boxes. That's what I wanted for my chickens. Will was thinking less structure, they didn't need as much room as I wanted them to have....I was going for quality of life and Will was thinking, "hey, they are just chickens". After going on the coop tour I realized that they didn't need everything I had in mind and Will agreed that the coops we liked most were the ones where the chickens had room and more structure.

Looking out in the yard we were able to realize that we had the bare bones of a structure that could be recycled into just what we needed. And so we went to work.......

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